All Products
Pipe Floats/Hose Floats & Cable Floats
Mooring Buoys
Regulatory Buoys
Floating Platforms
Floating Walkways
Pump Stations
Containment Booms
Turbidity Curtains
Drive In Berms
Neptune Pipe Floats, Hose Floats, and Cable Floats are made from UV resistant PE and include Clamp TiteTM inserts to prevent slippage.
Neptune mooring buoys or suspension floats range from 13’’ to 48’’, are foam filled and can be made with an eye or rope channel.
Neptune Regulatory Buoys, also known as Spar Buoys or Channel Marker Buoys, are impact resistant and molded with handles to aid in lifting.
Neptune Modular Floating Walkways are molded in one piece, are easy to assemble and are sold in complete 5’x10’ kits.
Neptune Floating Pump Stations are available for both submersible and vertical turbine pumps.
Neptune Modular Floating Platforms can be configured with as many 5’x10’ float sections as needed and can include handrails.
Neptune Containment Booms, also known as Contractor Booms or Hard Booms, are constructed using RF Welds for increased durability.
Neptune Turbidity Curtains, or Turbidity Barriers, can be custom made to spec to control the flow of suspended solids in water.
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Class Select OptionStandard Type I (DOT)Economy Type I
Membrane Select OptionPermeableImpermeable
Height (Feet)Select Option3'4'5'6'7'8'9'10'11'12'13'14'15'16'17'18'19'20'
Length (Feet)Select Option50'100'
Quantity (required)
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